Monday, 29 April 2013

decisions, decisions

Life took me seriously by surprise this week, my head is still spinning in fact...

For months now our family has been cruising along peacefully...We'd managed at last to coordinate and polish our weekly routine - navigating almost seamlessly the balance of my time at home with Matilda with a couple of days work (split between a weekly day in the office doing admin, and weekend work at the Flower Shop).
I have been happy, Tilly has been happy, and all those adoring-and-ever-keen-to-babysit Grandparents have been happy.  In a nutshell, this little old life of ours has felt pretty easy of late...

But then something happens, something out of the blue, something both exciting, challenging and terrifying all at the same time... An unexpected opportunity presents itself, and you have to decide (rather quickly) if you should give up all that new found effortless routine, and dive in to a messy, chaotic kind of life for a little while..

That happened to me on Thursday.

I have built this up a tad, but in all honesty, I have really struggled - hours and hours of sleep have been lost these past few days, lying awake at night trying to coordinate childcare, office handovers, travel logistics, resignation spiels and the like... to say I am spent is an understatement.

But the decision has been made, and those resignation speeches recited... As of Friday, I will be putting my Florist hat back on more permanently - joining the most delicious, sassy, creative pair of florists in town, in my opinion!.  I am not going to name names yet (don't want to jinx it), but needless to say I've admired them for quite some time now, and am over-the-moon-flattered they have asked me aboard!

So we'll battle through as a family these next few weeks - Tilly will be making the transition in to Day Care one day a week, the Boy and I will be doing a fare bit of tag-teaming between shifts, and the Grandparents will be putting in some serious overtime. 
Three weeks of tying up loose ends in current roles, easing Matilda in to a new environment as gently as possible despite the limited time, and the certain mayhem of Mothers Day next week in a brand new flower shop - wowsers.

But I'm going to buck up and look forward, as I'm sure it'll all be worth it.  I'm an everything happens for a reason kinda girl, so will go with my gut, all the while keeping my fingers firmly crossed. Wish me luck!

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